Bronwyn Engell Bronwyn Engell

Elevate Your Mind: The Profound Mental Health Benefits of Intentional Exercise

With all the busyness and distractions of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the significant connection between physical activity and mental wellbeing. While the benefits of exercise on our physical health are well-documented, its impact on mental health is equally important, yet sometimes overlooked. In this post, we’ll explore the transformative power of intentional exercise on mental health and strategies to incorporate it into your routine.


Mental Health Benefits of Intentional Exercise

Stress Reduction and Mood Elevation

  • Exercise alleviates stress through various physiological and psychological mechanisms. Physical activity stimulates the release of neurotransmitters which act as natural painkillers and mood elevators, decreases production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, and promotes muscle relaxation, signalling to the brain that you are not in danger. Exercise also provides you with a healthy distraction from negative thoughts and feelings and can be an outlet for frustrations. All these factors work together to significantly reduce stress and anxiety and contribute to a more positive mood.

Increased Self-Esteem

  • Exercise can improve your self-esteem through the achievement of fitness goals that you set for yourself, increasing your feelings of competence, self-efficacy, and mastery. By reaching a specific weight you can lift or running a certain distance, you can foster pride and confidence in yourself and your abilities. Regular exercise also supports a positive relationship with your body, decreasing the likelihood of engaging in negative self-talk, and further increasing your self-esteem.

Improved Cognition

  • Exercise has been found to increase cognitive functions such as learning, memory, attention, and problem-solving. It does so by increasing blood flow to the brain, influencing the release of neurotransmitters that play key roles in cognition, and increasing brain plasticity (the brain’s ability to adapt to experiences and environmental changes). Regular exercise has also been found to reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

Improved Sleep Quality

  • Regular exercise contributes to better sleep quality by helping regulate your circadian rhythm (which governs the sleep-wake cycle), making it easier to fall asleep and wake up. Exercise also improves the structure of sleep by increasing the length of deep sleep and increasing REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, resulting in improved physical and mental benefits. By depleting your energy, exercise can also make you more tired by the end of the day and more likely to sleep longer during the night. The benefits that exercise has for sleep are also related to its other mental health benefits. By reducing stress and anxiety, which tend to interfere with sleep quality, exercise can help you have a more restful sleep.

Increased Energy Levels

  • Regular exercise increases your energy levels. This may seem counterintuitive, especially because exercise improves sleep partially by depleting your energy, creating a greater sleep debt by the end of the day. However, that is a short-term effect and over the long term, exercise leads to improvements in mood, sleep, physical fitness, and metabolic function that work together to boost your energy levels.

Strategies to Incorporate Exercise into Your Routine

  1. Find Activities You Enjoy

    • Choose Activities that bring you joy. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, yoga, walking, or swimming, finding joy in exercise will help it become a sustainable and fulfilling part of your routine.

  2. Start Small and Gradually Increase

    • To avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, start with manageable goals. For example, your initial goal may be to walk for 30 minutes a day, then to start alternating between walking and jogging, and gradually increase the time spent jogging as your fitness level increases. You can increase intensity or duration to help build exercise as a habit.

  3. Prioritize Consistency Over Intensity

    • Consistency with physical activity is key to receiving its benefits. Strive for regular moderate-intensity workouts instead of sporadic, intense sessions. Consistent workouts that are moderate in intensity are also gentler on your body, allowing you to properly recover and reducing the likelihood of injuries.

  4. Incorporate Exercise into Daily Activities

    • There are many opportunities to add intentional exercise into your day. For instance, choosing to take stairs over elevators if you have the physical ability to do so, adding stretch breaks into your day, cycling instead of driving to work if possible, or even doing some crunches or jumping jacks while you watch TV.

  5. Create a Routine

    • It can be helpful to set and commit to a specific time for exercise every day, such as yoga in the morning or a walk after lunch or dinner. Having a designated time to exercise can help you build a consistent routine.

  6. Make it Social

    • Try joining a workout class, exercising with a friend, or participating in group sports to make exercise more enjoyable. Making your physical activity social will also add accountability, making you more likely to commit to your workout session.

  7. Combine Exercise with Mindfulness

    • Integrating mindfulness into your physical activity will enhance the mental health benefits of it. There are many ways to do this, whether you focus on how the movement feels, your breath, or your surroundings. Another way to incorporate mindfulness into your workout routine is to track your progress through an app, journal, or calendar. Being able to see how far you’ve come allows you to celebrate your hard work and success.

  8. Reward Yourself

    • It’s important to reward yourself for your commitment to physical activity and overall wellness and health. Rewarding yourself will also help you stay motivated to continue tackling your exercise goals. Whether it’s treating yourself to a favourite snack or meal, buying some new workout clothes or equipment, or planning a fun activity, find a reward that will work for you and keep you motivated.

It can be intimidating to start exercising regularly; however, it is a powerful tool in enhancing your mental and physical health. Remember, exercise is a personal journey, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Find what works best for you and prioritize it in your routine. Whether it’s a morning yoga session, a daily walk, a dance class, or whatever else you can think of, embrace the journey, and discover what brings you joy and fulfillment. And remember, every small step forward is a victory worth celebrating.

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Bronwyn Engell Bronwyn Engell

A Guide to Infusing Wellness into Your Morning Routine

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of starting your day off on the right foot. However, adding wellness practices into your morning routine can set you up for a day filled with positivity, productivity, and overall wellbeing. In this post we will explore how to bring wellness into your morning routine, as well as the key role of a wellness-focused nighttime routine in laying the groundwork for a successful morning.

The Night Before: Setting the Stage for Morning Wellness

Your morning wellness doesn’t have to begin when you wake up – it can start the night before. Building a nighttime routine can help you wind down, relax, and prepare for a restorative sleep, allowing your morning routine to be more successful. Here are some tips to create an effective nighttime routine:

  1. Limit Screen Time

    • The blue light from screens can interfere with your body’s melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep and impacting your sleep quality. Try staying off electronics for at least an hour before bed to avoid disrupting your natural sleep cycle.

  2. Engage in Relaxing Activities

    • Engaging in calming activities before bed can help quiet your mind and signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. This can look different depending on what works for you. Some relaxing activities could include reading, yoga, journalling, taking a hot bath, doing some aromatherapy, and whatever else may come to mind for you.

  3. Prepare for the Next Day

    • Take some time to plan for the next day. For example, lay out what clothes you will wear and pack your bag. Having a plan and getting things ready can help reduce stress in the morning and allow your morning routine to run more smoothly.

  4. Create a Calming Sleep Environment

    • Several environmental factors can affect your sleep quality. Here are some things you can do to have a more restful sleep: make your room as dark as you can when you’re trying to fall asleep (blackout curtains/blinds or a sleeping mask can help with this), keep your bedroom cool, invest in comfortable bedding, and minimize noises that could disturb your sleep with a white noise machine or fan.

Creating Your Morning Wellness Routine

With the foundation of a relaxing nighttime routine and a restful night’s sleep, you can now focus on infusing wellness into your morning. Here are some ideas to get started:

  1. Mindful Wakeup

    • Instead of rushing out of bed or reaching immediately for your phone, try taking a few moments to be present in the moment of waking up. Feel your body waking up and making its first movements of the day, take a big stretch and some deep breaths.

  2. Hydrate

    • Drink a tall glass of water after getting out of bed to rehydrate your body. You can also add some lemon to your water for some added freshness and vitamin C.

  3. Move Your Body

    • Do some physical activity in the morning to boost your energy and productivity. The length and type of physical activity you do is completely dependent on how much time you have and what your physical abilities are. It could be anything from gentle stretches to a morning walk or run. Exercise is a great way to improve your mood and set a positive tone for the day.

  4. Eat a Nourishing Breakfast

    • Having a balanced breakfast with protein, fruits/vegetables, and whole grains can provide you with sustained energy for the day and improve your performance. If you don’t normally feel hungry in the mornings, you can adjust your morning nutrition to suit your needs, like making your own smoothie.

  5. Practice Gratitude  

    • Take time in the morning to reflect on what you’re grateful for. Practicing gratitude involves feeling appreciative of the things that are meaningful to you, as well as for the people who make a positive difference in your life. With practice, you can find something small to feel grateful for on even the most difficult days. Practicing gratitude in your morning routine reduces stress, improves your mood, and can help you have a positive outlook for the day.

  6. Set Intentions

    • Before diving into your day, it can be helpful to take the time to set your intentions and goals for the day. What do you wish to accomplish today? Setting your intentions can help you stay focused and give you a sense of purpose and direction.

Incorporating wellness practices into your morning routine can have a significant, positive impact on your wellbeing. By also focusing on wellness in your nighttime routine, you will be prepared for a restful sleep that sets you up for a successful and wellness-focused morning. Using these steps to improve your routines will allow you to start your days feeling refreshed, energized, and prepared for whatever comes your way. Sometimes life can get in the way, and you may not always have time to include as many wellness practices as you’d like in your routine. If that is the case, these tips can be adapted to suit your own lifestyle and needs. Remember that you can’t go through life running on empty – focusing on wellness before bed and upon waking will give you the sustained energy you need to tackle life’s challenges and find the joy in each day.



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Bronwyn Engell Bronwyn Engell

The Healing Power of Self-Compassion: Why Kindness Triumphs Over Self-Punishment

In the pursuit of personal growth and improvement, many of us have fallen into the trap of self-punishment. We may criticize ourselves for mistakes and flaws, while holding ourselves to impossibly high standards. Self-punishment can be harmful to motivation and can also perpetuate a cycle of guilt, shame, and low self-esteem, leaving us feeling discouraged and down. But what if there was an alternative approach, one that didn’t involve harsh self-criticism and judgement? Enter self-compassion – a gentler, more effective way to navigate life’s challenges and setbacks. In this post, we’ll explore the transformative power of self-compassion and how you can start incorporating it into your life.

The Benefits of Self-Compassion:

  1. Fosters resilience

    • When faced with setbacks, self-compassion acts as a buffer, helping you bounce back with resilience. Showing compassion towards yourself allows you to recognize that imperfection is simply part of being human.

  2. Enhances Emotional Wellbeing

    • Self-compassion can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It creates a nurturing internal environment that encourages self-soothing techniques.

  3. Breaks the Shame Cycle

    • Sometimes when you make mistakes, you can get caught up in a cycle of shame and self-criticism. Self-compassion disrupts this cycle by allowing you to approach challenges with understanding and an acknowledgement that mistakes are a normal part of life.

  4. Encourages Learning and Growth

    • In addition to approaching mistakes with understanding, self-compassion also allows you to see mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth instead of failures. By embracing this mindset, you can approach difficulties with curiosity and openness.

  5. Strengthens Motivation

    • Self-punishment may lead to temporary motivation, however it often leads to burnout over time. Self-compassion, on the other hand, provides sustainable motivation rooted in self-care and understanding.

Strategies for Cultivating Self-Compassion

  1. Mindfulness

    • When practicing mindfulness, we can be aware of our painful thoughts and emotions without overthinking and magnifying their importance. Mindfulness also allows you to notice when self-critical thoughts arise so you can try gently redirecting them using kind and supportive language, like how you would speak to a friend who’s feeling pain.

  2. Self-Care Routines

    • Try incorporating self-kindness into your routine. Whether it’s taking a warm bath, cozying up with a good book, or enjoying your favourite meal, it’s important to prioritize activities that nourish your soul.

  3. Acknowledge Common Humanity

    • Remember that you are not alone in making mistakes and facing challenges. We are all human, so we all mess up and that’s okay! It can be helpful to view our own experiences as part of the broader human experience instead of thinking of ourselves as separate or isolated.

  4. Use a Self-Compassion Mantra

    • A self-compassion mantra is a positive affirmation that can be used to cultivate kindness, understanding, and acceptance towards yourself. Mantras can be used in times of self-doubt, stress, or to counteract negative self-talk. These can be personalized to suit your own needs but here are some examples:

      • “I am worthy of love and kindness, just as I am.”

      • “I forgive myself for past mistakes and embrace myself with compassion.”

      • “I am enough. I deserve happiness and peace.”

      • “I honour my feelings and needs, and I treat myself with care.”

As you begin your journey towards self-compassion, remember to be patient with yourself. Cultivating self-compassion is a process that takes time and practice, so it’s important to start small and be gentle with yourself. Don’t forget to celebrate your progress along the way! Embracing self-compassion will not only transform your relationship with yourself, but also create a ripple effect of kindness and understanding in the world around you. So, dare to be kind to yourself. You deserve it.

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Mental Wealth Counselling Mental Wealth Counselling

Unveiling the Invisible Burden: Navigating Mental Load in Relationships and Parenting.

Unveiling the Invisible Burden: Navigating Mental Load in Relationships and Parenting. Learn how to balance the cognitive responsibilities, communicate effectively, and foster harmony in your romantic and parenting journey. Discover strategies for a brighter, more equitable future. #MentalLoad #Relationships #ParentingTips

In the intricate dance of life, we often find ourselves juggling various responsibilities, both seen and unseen. One crucial but often underestimated aspect is the concept of "mental load." It refers to the invisible, cognitive burden we carry—managing tasks, remembering details, and planning for the future. Understanding and addressing mental load is vital for maintaining healthy relationships, particularly in the realms of romance and parenting.

Defining Mental Load:

Mental load is the mental effort required to manage and coordinate the various aspects of our lives. It encompasses everything from remembering grocery lists and appointments to considering long-term goals and future plans. This load is not evenly distributed and tends to fall disproportionately on one person or the other within a relationship or family.

Mental Load in Romantic Relationships:

In romantic relationships, mental load often manifests in subtle but impactful ways. One partner may find themselves consistently responsible for planning dates, organizing household chores, or keeping track of important events. This imbalance can lead to stress and resentment, potentially straining the connection between partners.

Mental Load in Parenting:

Parenting comes with its unique set of challenges regarding mental load. The primary caregiver may find themselves shouldering the mental burden of school schedules, extracurricular activities, and health appointments. This can create a sense of overwhelm and fatigue, impacting the overall well-being of the individual and the family.

Strategies for Communicating with Your Partner:

  1. Open and Honest Communication:

    • Initiate a calm and open conversation about mental load. Share your feelings and experiences without blame, fostering a sense of understanding.

  2. Identify and Delegate Tasks:

    • Work together to identify specific tasks that contribute to the mental load. Delegate responsibilities based on strengths and preferences, ensuring a more equitable distribution.

  3. Shared Calendars and To-Do Lists:

    • Utilize shared digital calendars and to-do lists. This collaborative approach ensures that both partners have access to important information and can contribute to planning.

  4. Regular Check-Ins:

    • Schedule regular check-ins to discuss ongoing tasks, potential challenges, and adjustments to the division of labor. This proactive approach promotes ongoing collaboration and problem-solving.

  5. Express Gratitude:

    • Acknowledge and appreciate your partner's contributions. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere.

  6. Seek Professional Support:

    • Consider seeking the guidance of a mental health professional. Counselling can provide a safe space to explore individual and shared experiences, offering valuable insights and strategies.

Understanding and addressing mental load is a journey toward creating harmonious and fulfilling relationships. By fostering open communication, identifying shared responsibilities, and expressing gratitude, couples can embark on a path of collaboration and support. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate the mental load entirely but to distribute it more evenly, ensuring that everyone involved feels seen, valued, and supported on their unique journey through life.

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Mental Wealth Counselling Mental Wealth Counselling

Finding Inner Peace: The Importance of Meditation for Overall Wellness

In a world filled with endless distractions and hectic schedules, finding a moment of peace seems like an elusive dream. However, the key to unlocking that tranquility may lie in an unexpected place: meditation. Join us on a delightful journey as we explore the importance of meditation for your overall wellness. Prepare to discover how the combination of inner serenity and a dash of humour can transform your life.

  1. The Power of Meditation: Unveiling the Benefits

    Meditation is not just about sitting cross-legged and chanting "om." It offers a multitude of benefits for your overall well-being. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving focus and clarity, meditation has the power to restore balance to your mind, body, and soul. So, grab your meditation cushion and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and laughter.

  2. Unwind and Unplug: Escaping the Chaos

    In a world buzzing with constant notifications and never-ending to-do lists, taking a pause and disconnecting from the chaos is vital. Meditation provides a sacred space where you can detach from the noise, reconnect with your inner self, and recharge your mental and emotional batteries. It's like pressing the reset button on your hectic life, allowing you to approach challenges with renewed energy and a sense of calm.

  3. Embracing the Silly Side: Laughter in Meditation

    Who says meditation has to be a solemn affair? Embrace the silly side and infuse humor into your practice. Picture yourself attempting to achieve inner peace while your mind is busy reenacting a scene from your favorite comedy movie. Laughter is not only contagious but also therapeutic. It releases endorphins, reduces stress, and adds a touch of joy to your meditation experience. So, don't be afraid to let out a giggle or two as you journey within.

  4. Cultivating Mindfulness: Being Present in the Present

    Meditation and mindfulness go hand in hand. By practicing meditation, you train your mind to focus on the present moment, fully experiencing each breath, sensation, and thought. Mindfulness allows you to let go of worries about the past or future, embracing the richness of the present. It's a powerful tool for reducing anxiety, improving mental clarity, and savouring the simple pleasures of life.

  5. Stress Buster: Finding Zen in Chaos

    Stress, meet your match: meditation. When life throws challenges your way, meditation becomes your secret weapon. It helps you cultivate resilience and cope with the inevitable ups and downs. Picture yourself calmly sitting amidst the storm, channeling your inner Zen master while chaos unfolds around you. By incorporating meditation into your daily routine, you develop the skills to navigate stress with grace and humour.

  6. Guided Meditations: From Serene to Hilarious

    Guided meditations provide a fantastic way to explore different styles and themes. Whether you choose serene nature-inspired meditations or ones that tickle your funny bone, there's something for everyone. Imagine finding yourself amidst a laughter-filled meditation session, where playful instructions and humorous visualizations elicit belly laughs. Guided meditations combine relaxation with a touch of whimsy, making your meditation practice enjoyable and memorable.

Meditation holds the key to finding inner peace, reducing stress, and enhancing overall wellness. By embracing this practice, you open the doors to a world of serenity and self-discovery. So, take a deep breath, let out a chuckle, and embark on your meditation journey!

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